Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Jazzy Jingle Bells

 Happy Holidays from the City Children's Choir!

Of which my little brother is a proud member.

He wore these light up reindeer antlers that he had to keep switching on constantly throughout the concert because they only blinked for 20 seconds or so after pressing the button.  So, of course he had to keep reaching up and pressing the button.  I don't know who bought him those antlers.  *whistles innocently*

Luke and his friend Elizabeth.  "Choir is FUN!!!!"

And with little siblings.  Who are adorable.  :)
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Abigail said...

how cute! :)

Rebecca said...

I was thinking last weekend about how you hardly ever post and I miss your posts. Then Boom! two posts so quickly together. :) It's good to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

Awww... adorable!

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