This blog is at a crossroads.
"To be or not to be?" That is the question.
Maybe you've noticed (maybe you haven't) that there hasn't been a lot of activity in this cyber corner lately. The fault is entirely mine. I don't have any fabulous excuses. Nothing exciting is happening in my life. I'm not refraining from blogging because I have big secrets I don't want to share. Sorry.
So, why haven't I been blogging?
Good question. I've been asking myself this exact question the past couple of weeks. I think I have some of the answers but they aren't great reasons. I'll share some of them.
1. I'm a very private person. Introverted. For that reason alone blogging has always been a challenge for me. It's also been a growing experience that I wouldn't trade for anything. But, the fact remains. It's hard for me.
2. I have this idea in my mind that my blog is meant to be a place of encouragement for other single young ladies like myself. This is assuming that there ARE other single young ladies like myself. There may be a few. :) Part of my struggle is that it's hard to be encouraging when you yourself are very discouraged. And I am. I might as well admit it. It's just a phase I'm going through. I'll bounce back sooner or later, I know. But, meanwhile, I have a hard time opening up and writing about it. I hope that's understandable.
3. I'm busy. SO BUSY. I do not like being busy. I wish everyday were full from beginning to end with things I love to do and that I had plenty of time to blog all about them. But, I don't. Posting on my blog 5 days a week requires a time commitment of about 2-3 hours per week. This doesn't count the time I spend thinking up posts. I rarely have that much of a block of time to work on my blog. So, when I do publish 5 days in a week something else suffers. Usually housework. I don't especially like housework. But, boy do I hate having a messy house.
4. Nothing changes. I feel like I should have new and interesting things to blog about. And I don't. And that is discouraging to me. And that's all I'm going to say about that.
I don't want this blog to sink. I want to swim. But, I hope you all understand (if you're still hanging around reading) where I am right now in my life. I'd really like to make a concentrated effort to bring this blog back to life. But only if you guys want me to. I know there are plenty of blogs out there. If mine is a place you enjoy visiting let me know. And if there's anything you want to see, any suggestions, I'd be happy to take them.
Sink or Swim? I'm voting Swim, but I need a direction to swim in and maybe some flotation devices for when I get tired, like right now. :)