Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Coming 2009

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to Keep Track of How Many Books I Read This Year.  I'm not setting any goals, I'm just curious to see how many I do read in a year.  In light of keeping myself accountable to this resolution I'm thinking about blogging about it.  At the beginning of every month I'll be posting a list of the books I read the previous month.  Or, most of them anyway.
I probably won't go into detail of EVERY book I read, since that would be sort of akin to telling you what I eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner every. single. day.  It's interesting only if you share the same tastes I do.  Otherwise, you'd be bored.  Also, it's kind of personal :)
Please be aware that just because I tell you that I have read a book does not necessarily mean I am endorsing it for you to read.  I am aware that there is a wide variety of people and ages that read my blog and that we do not all share the same tastes in literature.  I'll be posting a little snippet of my thoughts with every book I mention, along with warnings about any controversial or potentially offensive subjects.
  • (I'm not saying that I read controversial and offensive stuff, just that in the event that I might I'll be sure to give proper warning)
This list is not to be taken as a list of book recommendations.  If I feel like recommending a book, I'll make it clear!  

I'm really hoping to read some fun, new books this year, so hopefully I'll be able to pass on some good reads to the rest of you!

Is there anything else you'd like to see more of this year?  Leave me a comment!


Valerie said...

I've kept track of the books I read for almost 5 years. It really is neat to look back and see what I read, how many each year, what genre I was into at different times. I recommend writing it down in a notebook, and using a simple system to rate them (I use stars 1 - 5) and make note of questionable materiel. All for the sake of being able to recommend something a year or two down the road when you can't remember if there was any bad language!

Larissa said...

Perhaps you can start a new subject/tag "Books I've Read (NOT recommendations!"
I've always been a reader, less so in the past few years as I've taken up crafts and have children, but I've never logged them, I haven't finished a book this year yet, so I may do the same?! Thanks for the inspiration.

Sarah~ said...

Oh Goodie! I love monthly lists of what people read. A couple of my LJ friends do this and I love it. I've always wished that I would have kept track over the years...

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