Here's a fun, super easy craft we did here last week.
First trace a wreath shape onto a piece of cardoboard or heavy cardstock.
I just used a dinner plate and desert plate to make the proper sized circles. One inside the other.
Cut the circle out with scissors.
Next trace handprints onto colored paper. It helps to have a variety of different sized hands to trace. :)
Next: DECORATE! We used glitter-y glue to outline the handprints, but you could use anything you like. Be creative!
After the glue dries, cut out the hand shapes.
Now, the fun part. :) Make a list of things you (or your helpers :) ) are thankful for and label the handprints.
Glue the handprints around the cardboard ring to create a colorful wreath!
Decorate to your tastes. We used ribbon and leaves from our garden.
Enjoy! and
1 comment:
Awwww! I LOVE it:)
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