Friday, February 29, 2008

It's Friday!!!

Fridays may be the best days ever. Fridays come right before Saturdays.
Which means that on Fridays I have the luxury of spending all day
looking forward to Saturday.
Ordinarily on a Friday I wake up with plans bouncing around in my head.
I jump up and grab a notepad,
Fridays are the day that I make lists of all the things I plan to do Saturday.
The list is usually VERY long...
and usually, I lose the list,
in fact USUALLY I end up making 6 or 7 lists throughout the day,
because I misplace all of them.
But that's beside the point.
Also beside the point is the fact that I never actually refer to one of those lists
on Saturday.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

List making is a pleasing thing. I do it for everything. ;-)

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