Friday, October 17, 2008

Tagged by Lydia

I am: not sure....  

I know: God is in control
I have: a new coffee table :)  

I wish: I knew

I hate: being late...
I miss: reading
I fear: my schedule

I feel: deeply

I hear:Katie typing

I smell: the "fall festival" candle burning next to me

I crave: solitude

I search: for answers

I wonder: what the point is?

I regret: not studying enough in high school

I love: quiet days.  VERY quiet days

I am not: outgoing

I believe: good things come to those who wait

I dance: rarely.... sadly....

I sing: when I'm alone

I cry: hard, and rarely

I don't always: know what to think

I fight:myself

I write: not enough

I win: .......  um......

I lose: sleep
I never: go to bars :) (cheating... ok, there's lots of things I never do...)

I always: want to stay home

I confuse: because I over complicate...

I listen: to Katie typing... a lot....

I can usually be found: at the flower shop

I need: to do laundry, write, take some pictures, sleep, eat

I am happy about: my family

I imagine: being happier someday
Tag: No one... but feel free to copy for your own blog, LJ, facebook... whatever....
Note:I wasn't tagged, I just found this while blog surfing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Things may come to those who wait...but only the things left by those who hustle.”
-Abraham Lincoln

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