Monday, March 16, 2009

IDDiots United!

If you follow my Other Blog at all you know that I am an IDDiot.

I.D.D. stands for  "I Don't Date."
"I Don't Diet"
"I Dig Ditches"
"I Don't Dance"
"Is Dover Deep?"
It is pronounced like IDIOT.  BUT,

In this case the word IDDiot means= A person belonging to the I Don't Date forum.  Or, as we affectionately refer to it: "IDD"  That's I. D. D. NOT "id".  Got it?

It does not mean= A person of inferior intelligence.


So, I'm an IDDiot. 
So are all of these lovely ladies.  Some of whom I met for the first time while we were in Florida.  (Some of them are my sisters and I met them for the first time shortly after they were born.)  :)

Back Row (left to right) Sarah B. (obviously she is an honorary IDDiot as she is not yet old enough to join a discussion forum.  Not for lack of discussion skills, of course.  She just can't type well enough yet.) Katie ,Sarah Dee, Abigail
Front Row (left to right) Christine (honorary IDDiot), Stephanie, Lydia (honorary IDDiot), Susie, Debbie, Me
We giggled a lot.  And learned things about each other.  And learned that we already knew a lot about each other.  
I love my IDDiots.  :)

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