Monday, May 12, 2008


I would love very much to show you pictures of my first ever gardening project!

Alas, the camera isn't here *sigh*

Ah Well...


On another note, I've started Pilates and I'm really enjoying them so far! I'll be in shape before you know it! (Maybe)

I've been working on the same sewing project for weeks (maybe months) now, and I'm down to the very last step, sewing in the hook and eye, so hopefully, I'll be able to share pictures of that soon, also.

Current Reading:

How did you all like Dr. Jak's Fashion post I did a couple of weeks ago? I'm going to try to make that a regular thing on this blog and also over on the IDD BLOG as well.

I hope you all have a wonderful, wonderful day!

1 comment:

Valerie said...

I await the pictures with eager anticipation! ^_^

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