Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Abduction Club

My friends and I have recently fallen in love with a new movie. The Abduction Club. We love it. As one of my friends has said: "They should have called it The Addiction Club." I just had to share the addiction.

Here's a trailer for your enjoyment.

Perhaps the best chick flick ever? And based on true events, so educational! :)

One or two crude comments in the beginning... otherwise, quite clean. It's only REAL problem is that it hasn't yet been released on Region 1 DVD, so... unless you've got a multi-region DVD player, you're out of luck. *sigh*


An Old Fashioned Girl said...


Why, oh why isn't it in the states????????

Anonymous said...

Odd. I watched the trailor, but didn't hear any crude comments. . .

Rebecca said...

I meant that there are a few crude comments in the beginning of the movie. The trailer is fine, or I wouldn't have put it here.

Victoria said...

What have you done to me?! lol I watched the trailer and spent the good part of last night trawling through You Tube watching the whole movie bit by bit...Is that normal? I was hooked! Oh dear...well I loved it either way. There were a couple of crude comments at the beginning like you quite rightly pointed out but all in all it was FABULOUS! My thanks depends on if my husband will let me get the DVD :)

Rebecca said...

Victoria Everyone I know that I have introduced this movie to, LOVES it. SO, yes. That's normal. :)

Miss Deb said...

I too am one of its victims.


I've lost count how many times I've watched it. Especially now that I have the region 4 DVD and a multi-region player.

Not helpful.

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