For now, I just got a couple of things for my two planters that sit in front of the house.
As soon as you see these, you'll know why I got them. :)
This is actually a picture I swiped off the internet, and not the actual plants I got. But, the picture I took with my phone wasn't such good quality. These are the exact colors I got though. Won't they be awesom in front of my house? :)Here's the camera phone picture. We had to move our plants indoors last night because the weather is forecasting "Severe storms" all day today. :( Maybe even hail? Yeah. Not so good for baby plants. Also pictured is some Lobelia I picked up for the planters and a hosta Steph got at Farmer's Market on Saturday. The Hosta will probably go in our "Perennial Garden" in front of the house... :) We are VERY slowly working on landscaping our yard... It's not much to look at yet, but give us some time... :)
Also picked up...
Again, this is not the exact plant that I picked up, but the picture is better, so...
Mine is a red-ish purple color, and Sarah and I oohed and ahhed over the exquisiteness of these blossoms for a few minutes and then promptly placed two of them in our box. :) It's a perennial, and I'm thinking it will live on the far right side of my yard where there is the most sun. Probably somewhere next to the hydrangea bush I planted last year that is ever-so-slowly starting to look like it might be alive.
So, that's it. I drooled over the delphinium and liatrice and LILIES(!!!!! I desperately want some orange Asiatic Lilies!!!! unfortunately my yard is mostly shaded in the front. Maybe I'll put some somewhere in the back?)
This whole yard landscaping thing is all new to me, so I'm very excited and very nervous. I'll be sure to share pictures once I get everything planted and it starts looking decent. (If it does...)
The celosia is gorgeous! I planted it in our front flowerbed last year and loved the color!
Oooh, celosia and columbine! I love both!
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