Friday, December 05, 2008

I must giggle :)

Google Reader has a list of blogs that are recommended for me, based on the sort of blogs I already subscribe to.  Top of the list, FLOWERSHOPGIRL!

Well, I think Flowershopgirl and I just may have some things in common.

Google Reader also tells me that I have 37 subscribers.

Which is about 30 more than I would have guessed.  :)

Of course, my family members all subscribe to me obligatorily.  But, my family, surprisingly, is not THAT big.  :)

So, to my subscribers.  Thanks.  :)  You made my day.  I don't have any pictures of myself smiling goof-ily for you... Here's Sarah B. instead. 


Mac said...

"obligatorily" WHUT-EvA!

LOVE the pic!!!! I love her!!!!!!!

Incomplete said...

If anyone has a picture of Jak smiling (genuinely, uncontrollably) please notify me: CASH REWARD!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have mac...does that count?

Lady Dvora said...

DO you want to dig through all our photos or shall I for Tyson's Picture??

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