Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dr. Jak's Skin Care Tips

Clean, healthy skin is the ultimate way to have that feminine "glow" :)  Here's some tips for you all based on my own experiences in skin care.  Feel free to ask questions (I'll do my best to answer) or share your own tips!
  • CLEAN- Do it twice daily.  You can use a gentle soap or a facial cleanser.  You might need to try a few different products before you find the one that's right for you.  Most products will have helpful hints on the labels, so be sure and read them thoroughly.  I'm currently using the Neutrogena Skin Care products, but I've also used the Biore skin care line and I've heard good things about Aveeno too.  So, there's some suggestions for you. :) 
        No matter what you use there's a few rules of thumb that will help you.
                Tie or clip your HAIR back or wrap it up in a towel.
                  You don't want dried soap residue around your hair line. :)
                Use WARM WATER.  Warm water will open your pores
                   and assist the cleanser in cleaning out any impurities. 
                Work the soap up into a good LATHER, using your hands. 
                SCRUB! :)  Concentrate especially on problem areas.
                    For me this is around my nose and my eyebrows.  I
                      seem  to have the most breakout in these areas. 
                RINSE thoroughly.  Again using WARM WATER.
                PAT dry with a clean towel.

  • Use an ASTRINGENT.  I only do this every couple of days or so unless I have a breakout or zit that I want to get rid of quickly.  :)  If you have acne problems you might want to do it more often until the acne clears up.  Again brands like Neutrogena and Biore make astringents that are designed to clean out your pores and prevent breakouts before they start.  I prefer to use Witch Hazel or LEMON JUICE.  I pour a little on a cotton ball and scrub my face with it.  Lemon juice also helps to fade skin blemishes and tighten your pores.  It's also very effective for acne.  I can't recommend lemon juice facials enough.  Rinse with cool water.

  • MOISTURIZE.  This is a very important step.  No matter what kind of skin you have you NEED to moisturize.  Make sure you use a moisturizer specifically designed for facial use.  Never use a hand lotion for your face.  Your facial skin is completely different and much more sensitive than the rest of your body, so it needs special care and pampering. :)  I like to use Pond's Moisturizing Cream because I have dry skin.  But, if your skin type is different, if you have oily skin for example, you may want to experiment with something else.   
        Here's how to apply it. 
                WASH your hands. 
                Depending on what moisturizer your using, you should use approximately a NICKEL to a QUARTER SIZE amount of moisturizer.
                DOT it onto your face and neck
                AVOID your eye area.  (You need to use a specific EYE CREAM for your eyes.  This step is optional. My eyes droop when I'm tired, which seems to be often :) so I do use an eye cream by Neutrogena.)
                MASSAGE the moisturizer into your skin well, using circular motions.
                If you're going to apply a foundation over top you need to let your moisturizer SOAK into your skin for about 3 minutes first.

There are lots of other special treatments you can do for your skin if you desire,
or if you feel you need an extra-deep cleaning. I recommend applying a
  • FACIAL MASK because it's a great way to perk your skin up.  
It takes some time, so make sure you have 30 minutes or so to do it.
There are lots of different facial masks and I have certainly not tried all of them, but most of them work on the same principle. You RUB it on, let it DRY and PEEL it off.  Look for a mask that has natural ingredients like AVOCADO, CUCUMBER and HONEY.  Any of the ingredients I just mentioned can also be applied on their own and left for 30 minutes or so and then RINSED off with WARM WATER followed by COLD WATER to close the pores.  

Hopefully these are some helpful tips for you.  I'd be happy to try to answer any questions so please ask!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for these ideas! Somehow I missed learning the basics of skin care when I was a young teenager, and now (in my 20's) I still have problems with my skin. So it's very helpful to have some practical tips from real people. :) I tried the lemon juice and really like it.

Any tips on preventing blackheads? I just can't seem to totally be rid of them!

Kristi said...

thanks for the tips! I should try the lemon juice myself.

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