I do love a good story!!!
I love them waaaayyy too much, which is probably why I'm always in the middle of 3 or 4 or 5 or 6.... things at a time...
Piled up next to me on the table right now :)
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith. This is the author The 101 Dalmations which I read as a younger teen and was totally captivated by!
I haven't finished it yet, but it has a very Pride and Prejudice feel to it, and so far I really love it. It came to me very highly recommended by people I trust so I have high hopes of loving it all the way to the end!
I notice there is also a movie version, but it has an "R" rating... I did a little research trying to figure out what they could have done to the book to get it rated R, and from what I've found the rating is somewhat controversial, that is to say, a lot of people don't think it should be rated R. I haven't seen the movie and can't recommend it until I do, so use discretion.
Painfully Shy by Gregory and Barbara Markway. I hesitate to recommend this book, because it IS written by psychologists from a psychological point of view. In my opinion psychologists words should be dumped through a spaghetti strainer. Most of it will wash right through and should be forgotten immediately upon hearing. However, Barbara Markway does make some good points and I have learned some things.
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien.
I made it through The Hobbit (it was slow going...) and have moved on to The Fellowship of the Ring. I realize that Tolkien's books are highly controversial and it is for that reason that I am reading them. I want to form my own opinions of them from my own personal experience. I'll work on a post dealing with my take on the entire series once I'm done. Don't hold your breath though... it may be a while...
AND.... recently arrived in the mail...
I watched the whole season through in one day while I sewed my bedroom curtains. Only 13 episodes. Can't WAIT for season 3!!! I have to wait until December??!??!?!?!?!!?
Oh my goodness, Rebecca! Not only were we reading I Capture the Castle at the same time, but I JUST got through "The Fellowship of the Rings" for the first time ever. (It was an audio book, and so was The Hobbit) It's weird that we are reading such similar things lately.
That IS weird.... i wonder if similar reading habits are contagious, like that cough that Krista and I shared over the internet...
Jak, this may be why the movie "I Capture the Castle" was R rated:
Mortmain's second wife, Topaz, is an artist's model who enjoys communing with nature, sometimes wearing nothing but hip boots.
I got that from Wikipedia's article on the book. The article on the movie was slightly more descriptive, and if the film industry is involved, then...well, I'm guessing you get it.
yes, i gathered similar things from sites I visited when I was researching the 'R' rating. my reason for calling it controversial is that i read several different reviews stating all different opinions and views on whether or not it deserved an 'R' rating. I also read that in Great Britain the movie is only rated PG. That might be because Great Britain has looser standards... I don't know. I wanted to warn people that might see that I liked the book and jump to rent the movie. I also didn't feel like stating openly just WHY the movie may have been 'R' rated on my 'G' rated blog...
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